Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas celebrations

Sorry to have neglected my family friends on my holiday activity updates, but since getting back from our trip we've been so busy that I haven't had a chance to "play" on the computer. First of all, Santa showed up at our pajama playgroup! He even brought me a gift, but I didn't want to get near him (as evidenced by previous post) so I had to be coaxed. He gave me this cool book that looks just like the one I saw Mommy buy a few days earlier.

Next, Mommy and Daddy came to my Christmas party at school, but I was so distracted by Mommy being there that they decided to leave during circle time.

After mass on Christmas Eve, the neighbors came over for dinner and I played with the kids for a bit (sorry no pics, I went to bed early that night). I woke up at my usual 7:30 on Christmas morning to open up my gifts from Santa and the folks. Santa got me a little four-wheeler, and I like playing with it, but apparently I have a fear of driving so we'll have to wait a couple of months to fully utilize all the features. I overheard Mommy make some comment thanking God that it wasn't expensive (how would she know what it cost and what would it matter to her how much Santa paid?).

All of us (even Chopper) went to Nona and Papa's for dinner, and Papa got out some of Daddy's old toys to play with. It was a bit lonely though without the rest of the family; the Kidds (including Kyleigh and Mikinley) spent the day with Uncle Tom's family and the Nechamkins were in Russia . . . meeting my future cousins (currently named Polina and Anton)! But, at least I got a lot of undivided attention from my grandparents . . . what else would be expected?

Of course, we had a little party for this year's Holiday Bowl with the Horns beating Arizona State. Although Daddy is happy about the win, he is still disappointed that we didn't make it to the BCS National Championship this year (and he will never recover from the loss to those awful Aggies).

Overall, I had a great second Christmas and I hope that everyone else did as well!

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