Sunday, May 6, 2007

My new blog

I wanted to start this blog so that I can update all my loved ones far away with my new developments. I will even be able to post videos of myself whenever my mom figures out how to upload to Google Video.
My birthday is in two weeks and Mom and Dad have planned a party for me. They tell me that they can't believe that I'm already a year old and they keep reminiscing about when I was a newborn. Apparently I wasn't sleeping through the night (I can't imagine not getting my sleep), wanted to eat all the time, and cried a lot at night. Maybe that's why they always looked so tired.

In the past 11 months I have mastered many things including sleeping, crying, and making dirty diapers. I am now crawling everywhere, pulling up on everything, starting to cruise, and climbing stairs- I cannot stand to sit still for a second and my poor parents are wiped out. Fortunately for them, my favorite past time is sleeping so I still take two naps with an early bedtime everyday. I want to eat whatever my parents are eating and prefer drinking from a straw during meals (but I am going to be very upset when Mommy takes away my bottle). My bottom row of teeth finally evened out when I got my 8th tooth in, and I didn't fuss about it at all. Finally, I love dancing to music, being read to, watching my favorite show The Wiggles (much to my father's dismay) . . . and did I mention sleeping?

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I'm so glad you decided to start a blog, Brody...I don't get to see you quite as often as I'd like!! : )