Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanksgiving Feasts

So, we had what was called the Finger Food Feast at school to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. We prepared some songs, crafts, and a "costume" for a month so that we can present everything to our loved ones. My family, including Nona and Papa, came to see me and marvel in my unbelievable talents. I wore my Indian, excuse me, Native American vest and headgear. I walked with my class into the auditorium onto the assigned risers ready to sing my songs. I saw Mommy in front of the stage with her camera. I lost it. I threw off my "hat" and wanted to go down there and see her. I'm not sure how I will ever make it through my valedictorian speech. In any case, I did eventually relax and have fun eating lunch with the fam afterwards.

We had a quiet Thanksgiving. We were supposed to spend it with Lola and Papo this year, but they were on another one of their international excursions. We went to Nona and Papa's house, and my cousins were spending it with their "other" families so I was the only making all the noise (Mya's baby sounds don't really count). I guess Papa felt sorry for me and took me to the park before dinner (or maybe he just decided to give in after badgering him with requests). Mommy got a bit lazy this year and didn't take many pictures. She should have had the camera out when I actually ate all of my turkey (the box of Oreos she placed on the shelf as an incentive did help a bit).

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