Sunday, July 1, 2007

Learning to have responsibilities

My parents are always trying to teach me something. They are slowly making me pull my own weight around the house (Daddy cannot wait until I'm old enough to safely push a lawnmower). Whenever we get home, Mommy has me get Chopper out of his crate. Although I don't understand why he can't come with us when we go out, I am happy to see him when we get back. Sometimes I tease him and try to play with him for a while before I let him out, but eventually I set him free.

(If you listen very closely toward the end, I look up at Mommy and quietly "play" something for her).


Anonymous said...

Boy, you are so good and well trained. Pretty soon you're going to give him some water, food and clean his poop and wipe his behind. Slave driver mom ha?

Jenny said...

Brody, tell your mom to QUIT talking to you like you are in her special needs group!!!